Sunday 8 May 2011

Pit Stop in Cambridge 3/501

On a mammoth drive to the other side of the country, Steff and I decided to have a quick ( 4 hour) pit stop in Beeeaaauuutiful Cambridge. She hadn't been before, and I had only really wandered around the shops a few times, so we were proper tourists & wandered around gawking at everything. A look that was completed by Steff carrying around her paparazzi camera.

Although yes the town is gorgeous, and the buildings are oh so historic, the best part about our trip was the sheer number of buskers around and about. Our favourite was a 10 year old boy playing the saxophone down one of the arcades with a little sign saying playing to pay for music lessons. So cute. There were bands everywhere complete with full drum kits and one with their own violinist!

We watched the punting for a while. Couldn't convince Steff to actually go on one as she was worried (rightly so with my luck) about falling in the river. However, there was a VERY nice view of all the topless punters milling about waiting for fairs..... that was also a highlight.

As usual I had little to know idea where I was going, but I directed us around to see all of Kings College and also some of the grounds of Clares. Plus we milled around the outside of a few others, but I forget which. We picnicked on Jesus Green whilst listening to the steel drums (another busker) and pretended we were back in the Caribbean resort in Florida. IT WAS THAT HOT.

It would have been nice to go around with some one who new some of the proper history (ahem Nick) or if we had paid to be part of one of those guided tours. But considering how far we still had to drive and how warm it was, we managed to see an awful lot and both said that it was one of our better road trips.


  1. I know absolutely nothing about Cambridge; I couldn't have helped you!

  2. you could have made stuff up, I would have believed you.
