Monday 23 May 2011

Sunday Part II. We are taking the Hobbits to Isengard.

I was woken from (yet another) white win induced hangover by Pel exclaiming that she was taking me to Middle Earth for the day. Yeah, I figured I was still drunk, so was a bit slow on the up take to what was actually going on.

Turns out that every year the good people of Moseley put on a Tolkien festival in The Shire nature reserve – yes thats an actual place! Bless Albert. He researched stuff that would be fun to do on his only day off and he comes up with this, a day where Pel & I completely geek out, whilst he trails behind us being equal parts bewildered and bemused by the many LOTR fanatics. - I would like to point out now that we were not one of the ones that dressed up.

The event itself was really small compared to the description on the internet. But there were a few random people milling around (we met Gandalf). And there were a few battle re-enactments, which we stumbled across unknowingly just seeing 2 grown men apparently beating the hell out of each other. 

But the best bit was the revelation that inner city Birmingham can actually be beautiful. The aptly named Moseley Bog, which was Tolkiens inspiration for the Ents, is a huge forrest of oak trees. It is extremely well manintained and it was so lovely wandering around aimlessly through the woods on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Especially when we were geeking out over which one was Treebeard. We all had a go at climbing trees and generally pratting about. We even found a little den to hang out in for a while.

I realise that I have lost a hell of a lot of cool points, which I gained by blogging about meeting Frank Turner, by talking about a Lord of the Rings festival. But it was such a nice relaxing day just chilling out and being Geeky.  For some unknown reason Birmingham isn't on the list of 501 must see cities, so I can't tick off another place. But I would fully recommended the trip to The Shire, Moseley Bog and Sarehole Mill. For both the beauty and the little bit of history that a rather poor part of Birmingham has to boast about. I wander if Peter Jackson ever came here?

Oh and I met him to, unfortunately he was only made of cardboard, but that's something right?

The best comment of the day definitely came from my sister, whose response to my excited text exclaiming that I had just met Gandalf was "where are you and what drugs have you done". Thanks Neff.

Also, I had to include this as it is the best picture of Al ever!

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